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Friday, May 14, 2010

FVBS 2010

Family Vacation Bible School (FVBS) will be held six (6) consecutive Wednesday evenings beginning June 30th. This year's theme will be "Egypt; Joseph's Journey from Prison to Palace."

If you'd like to volunteer, in any capacity for any time frame, please email Tammy Young at and she will put you in touch with the right people for more information.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Prayer is #1

Yesterday was National Prayer Day and Cornerstone Church did its best to reach out to the community with drive thru prayer stations set up in the parking lot during the morning and evening commutes. Thank you to all the volunteers who gave of their time and talent to pray with their neighbors.

Monday, May 3, 2010

May I Take Your Order?

Thursday's drive-thru prayer got a mention in on the front page of today's Life section of the News Journal.
We will need your help to serve up a quick prayer an' a cup 'o Joe. Email Donna Billic at if you have 30 minutes or an hour to spare May 6th during either drive time.